September 12, 2024

Choosing an Attorney

Choosing an attorney can be the most difficult and the most important part of winning your claim.

Deciding on an attorney is more than just picking a lawyer who is convenient. There’s too much riding on attorney selection to approach the decision casually.

Finding the best representation comes down to determining a lawyer you can trust and one who has experience in cases most similar to yours.

Places to Find Personal Injury Attorney Information

Using several of these attorney referral resources during your search for an attorney may help you get the best legal advice possible.

  • Attorney Recommendations – Finding out who your friends or family members have worked with in the past may be a good place to start. This may offer a great opportunity to get very real insight into how helpful the lawyer was, as well as why your loved one pick that attorney. Be wary of lawyer recommendations you may get from bystanders at the scene of the accident.
  • Attorney Referrals – If the first attorney you call cannot help your case, they may be able to refer you to someone who can. If you have worked with an attorney in the past who practices a different type of law, they may also know someone who practices in the concentration you need.
  • Bar Associations – While in some states the bar association must remain neutral, you can check with your local bar association to see if the attorney you are considering has a good reputation.
  • Legal Journals – Scan the records for past legal cases to locate a case that may have had similar litigation to your own. The legal advisor in these cases may be best suited for your situation as well. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to look at the track record of various attorneys in your area. Find these legal journals through your local law library or bar association.
  • Internet – A simple Google search of a lawyer’s name can turn up some interesting results. See what you come up with, and don’t forget to look at the law firm’s News section to see if that lawyer has received any major press lately. Online attorney recommendation sites like are also a great way to find good lawyers.